Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Sunday 31 December 2017

Have a Fabulous new Year

I have started a long, reflective, and rather wordy post looking back over 2017, yet the more I think about it the less I feel I want to post it.   I have complained about the media coverage of being Trans, but just now I am thinking more about how blessed I am and how much I have enjoyed myself over the last year.   I have played in some wonderful concerts, I have great friends and a loving family, I had a lovely holiday. I have my health, I have work that I enjoy, somewhere to live, and a passion for what I do.

I am very blessed, over the last few days I have spent time with family, and friends old and new. I have been out to lunch a couple of time, I had a friend round to dinner, I have spent time with my Wife, my Daughter and one of my brothers. At time when I know a lot of people like me feel like social pariahs, rejected by family and friends, feeling lonely and isolated, I am indeed blessed.   I have no wish to gloat over people less fortunate, or hold myself up as a paragon, I am very aware that a few years ago I found myself alone, lonely, feeling rejected and valueless. My reflection is that things do get better! Just as I have said after Christmas the days get longer and the sun gets warmer and summer is on it's way, then in the same way if we can get through it after the bad times good ones come.

There are things I want to achieve over the next year, I know that I have some big decisions to make, I know that a lot is going to change, and I know that I will make some mistakes; but for now I am just going look to the next few weeks, make sure that I am fabulous and wish you all a very happy and fabulous new year!

Now I just need to decide what I'm going to wear to my friends tonight as we celebrate the dawn of 2018, although I do hope we won't actually see the dawn!

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