Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Keeping Mum

Once again I am away this weekend, I am now in Cardiff visiting my Mother, while it is always a pleasure to spend some time with Mum, it is also always a challenge.   Not just the six to eight hours fighting my way along the M4 and doing the shopping, but the time with Mum can be frustrating.   As she gets older she also gets more and more forgetful, as she is in her nineties I'm not sure whether this Alzheimer's or just part of the ageing process.   Either way it makes life difficult, even more difficult is that we (my brothers and I) have decided that because of Mum's condition we should not tell er about my marriage breakup or the reasons for it.

I want to tell her, after all she is my Mother, but I also know that if I do she will forget and I will have to go through the trauma of the conversation again and again, indeed I think that this would be painful for both of us, so it is probably best avoided.

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