Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Friday Night Saturday Morning

It's Saturday Morning already and I realise that I haven't even finished writing about last weekend, one good thing this Saturday morning is that it was not preceded by Friday night!   I know that sounds silly but I also know that a good many of you must know exactly what I mean.

So often this is my state on Saturday morning that I will often not surface until nearly mid day, well this morning I was up at a sensible time, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to greet all that the new day was bringing me.   Since that started with washing up not quite as great as it sounds.   This has to be in at least partly due to my lack of alcohol over the last week or so, there have been times when I have had to struggle a little with my self control, but then that's really part of the point, isn't it.

Last Saturday I went to Wisley with my Daughter, where she took lots of wonderful photos, I have already shared some of the butterfly ones here, now for some of the others

It is always fun spending time with my Daughter, and Wisley is one of my favourite places so that constituted a "Good Day".   There have of course also been some this week that have not been so good, I hope that today will be another good one, tonight I have a concert in Croydon that my Daughter is coming to, so this morning I am concentrating on relaxing.

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