Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Friday, 14 March 2014


I woke up this morning to the rather sad, but inevitable news that Tony Benn has died, he was one of those rare things a conviction politician, who always tried to do what he thought was right.   A great reformer and honest socialist he was a thorn in the side of many Labour Party leaders but always stuck to what he thought rather than what he thought would get him elected or promoted, like I said a rare politician.   With one thing and another I have been thinking of death a bit recently, and seems to me that as Christians we have hope, for those with no faith the future is what they leave behind.   At the weekend while I was tidying up I found a ring with the single word HOPE on it, I have taken to wearing it on my little finger, as I need that hope.

As well as this sad news I woke up to the sun pouring through the bedroom curtains heralding a bright sunny spring day.   Last night was a little misty and more was forecast for today, but by the time I was up it had already dispersed.    A little dew on the grass, but lovely blue sky

Last week was the first week this year when I managed to work a full five days, and it looks like this will be the second!   This is of course great news for my earnings so I do hope it continues, but I will admit to beginning to feel a little tired.   However I simply cannot afford to work any less than five days, and then I still need to do a lot of work in my own garden if it is not going to degenerate entirely it jungle, and that's before I start to think about all the decorating that's needed round the house.

Oh well, the sun is well and truly out, customer's grass is growing all in all it's a lovely spring morning so it's off to work I go.

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