Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


This my horoscope from the frisky for the year ahead, I think I may come back to this later in the year to check on it. Of course like all of these things it is couched in such tones that pretty much what  ever happens I could be said to have been accurate, or inaccurate equally.
Virgo (August 23-September 22): Don’t let anxiety make your decisions. Time to stop projecting a worst-case scenario future and/or dwelling on the most dismal parts of your past. Your inner demons will have as much power as you want to give them, but you can easily ignore their presence, if you wish. In 2014, scary notions will enter your mind frequently and fiercely, making you have to face fears in a more dramatic way. Go with it, because the truth will unlock positive changes you were hesitant to grab a hold of. Your free will will have everything to do with how 2014 ends up, so know you will reap what you sow.
2014 Major Areas Of Change: Aspirations, social connections and intimacy.
This is the offering for this week, I think I can pretty much rest my case, in most things seeking instant gratification is rarely without consequences.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)No matter how horny you get and how enticing someone’s bod might be, hold your fire. Hopping on any hot thing now may bring you instant gratification, but there will be consequences and they won’t be pretty. This is the time to wait it out until you know you have a safe bet.
Luckiest Day: Friday, January 10
If like me and Cyrsti you choose to you can check your own 'scope here

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