Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Monday, 22 April 2013

You need Hands

Next Sunday I will be playing in the LGSO concert, I am sure I have mentioned this before (several times) and I have to say if any of you are at a lose end on Sunday evening it will be a great concert with some stunning music in a fantastic setting, so please come along.   On this occasion though that is not my main point, the thing is I like to look good when I play, this will only be the third time that Paula will have been on the concert platform, so it is still a special experience for me.   I have already worn two of my black dresses which means I only have two more to go (plus trousers, skirts satin tops etc. so I don't think I will run out of things to wear just yet).  

The dress I plan to wear on Sunday is I think the nicest, it is a little longer than the others with an asymmetric hemline long sleeves made from a lovely clingy jersey material with a polo neck and a waist sash belt, this is definitely the most demure of my back dresses, and as my friend B is coming to the concert that may be a good thing.   But again not my point today.

I think my hands are my most naturally feminine feature, so I like to show the off, this means one or two rings and nail polish.   I want my nails to be nice, a nice shape, a nice length and a nice colour.   At the moment they are just about at the optimum length, maybe a millimeter shorter than perfect, but how am I going to get through a full weeks gardening work without damaging any of them?

I have already applied a protective coat of clear lacquer, and managed to get through Monday wearing gloves, all I can do is be careful but it is very hard to do manual work and protect nails.   But then that is really rather the point as the original attraction of long finger nails came from it being a sign of not having to do manual work.   So my main concern is to try and keep my finger nails nice, my secondary concern is a little different, the dress I will be wearing has a high neck, a bit like a turtle neck but with buttons at the back, should I wear a necklace outside the dress or leave it plain?   I will be wearing sparkly earrings, rings and bracelet and maybe a sparkly ankle chain, is that too much already?

The post title? follow the link if you haven't already got it.

1 comment:

Joni Roberta said...

Wish I could be there for the concert!

I like the dress.

I think I'd go for the necklace. I think the dress needs a little something to set it off. Otherwise all the black is a bit stark.

One reason black is popular is because it shows off your jewelry!

Have a great time!!!!