Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Monday, 12 November 2012

Difficult times

I have a bit of a stressful week ahead of me, over and above my normal work load, this evening I have a rehearsal up in town, for the concert on Tuesday evening.   This is quite a big concert at St John's Smith Sq, in aid of the Charlie Waller trust, I understand a lot of tickets have been sold, and that it will be a bit of a gala affair.   I will admit that I am worried as I have done virtually no practise on the trombone for the last couple of months as I have been focusing much more on the tuba, conducting and of course learning the electric bass, I just hope I am up to it.

On Wednesday after a visit to my osteopath I am back on tuba for a rehearsal, before a big change of plan on Thursday.   My God Mother died last week, and I have just heard that the funeral will be on Thursday, as I will have to travel up to Oxfordshire I will have to take the whole day off, I think it is important that I am there, especially since my Mother (who was in turn her God Mother) will not be up to attending.  I will be expected home pretty late so may well stop on the way for something to eat, or maybe Paula will stop for something to eat.

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