Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Friday 20 July 2012

Too Tired

Sometimes it all just gets a bit too much, and this is one of those times.   I have had a very physical hard at work, came home to an empty house (apart form the washing up) and just need to recover.   I am only too aware of all the things that I should be doing that I haven't done, the letters that need to be written, the accounts that need to be made up, and designs to be progressed. But I'm just too tired.

I m looking forward to our holiday in October enormously, but that is still quite a while off, and I need a break now.   I think I may take a day off next week, but in the mean time I'm off to bed for an early night ~ it must be age catching up with me.......

1 comment:

LL Cool Joe said...

Yeah tell me about it, apart from the fact I don't sleep.

Get some rest!