Following the announcement in my last post I realised that it was high time I thought about changing the Strap Line on this Blog, after all if I'm no longer a working Gardener can I really still claim to be "The World's leading Transgender Conductor and Bass Trombone and Tuba playing Christian Gardener" ? But that leaves me with the problem of how to describe myself, and my blog, since I have barely written anything over the last couple of years I don't really know how much is going to be about music, how much about my Motor Sport, how much about being trans, or indeed just stuff. Gardening is always going to be one of my passions so maybe I should just leave it as it is for while.
The eponymous Mrs T |
I did do a Google search for "Tuba Blogs" and found nothing, Many years ago, in a previous life I attempted to write a tuba based blog
Me and Mrs T, the Mrs T of the title being an old Hawkes and Sons BBb cavalry model Tuba. Why Mrs T, well, after working with one of the UK's premier German Bands for a Canadian Company in Seville at Expo'92 (yes really!) it was time to fly home. Since I had travelled out to Seville with the drummer in his car the journey home was the first time I had flown with a tuba. A seat was duly booked and a ticket issued, however to actually get on the plan a boarding card is needed, to get a boarding card a name is needed, so I just gave the name as "Tuba", then they needed a title! so I settled for Mrs. Somehow the "Mrs Tuba" stuck, and then got contracted to "Mrs T" The flight crew had often had cellos fly with them but had no experience of a tuba on board, after much discussion and experimentation she ended up occupying a full row of three seats, the only thing that still rankles a bit is that we never got her complimentary drinks!
Over the years I have had many instruments, yet Mrs T is the only one I have regretted selling. Indeed I have a constant eBay search for "Hawkes" just in case she becomes available again.
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