Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Friday 22 November 2019

Having Too Much Fun!

I see that it was only two posts ago in August that I promised to post every week ~ it looks as though my promises are about as much use as a politician's!

Here in the UK we are faced with an election that nobody wanted, to elect a government that nobody wants (they're all pretty dreadful), made up of politicians that nobody trusts ~ here I shall try to steer clear of political comment, there's plenty of other people to do that. I shall just say that a lot of people who know me a bit think they know where my party political allegiances lie, they're wrong! As of now I have not yet decided which way I shall be voting!

What will be influencing my decision of how to vote will not be based simply on the single big issue facing us, I will be considering what sort of country I want to live in, what sort of a country I want to be leaving for my daughter, and what sort of a country each of the candidates aspires to.

Now for more important things ~ I have been a bit of a social butterfly attending all sorts of glittering events, and drinking lots of cheap prosecco! Maybe one of the reasons I have not been posting much. I was thrilled to be a guest at the inaugural Croydon Arts Ball, celebrating the long awaited reopening of the Fairfield Halls.

I have also of course been playing a lot of music, the photo here is of the Christian Jazz/blues band I play with "Cross the Line". We're always looking for performance opportunities especially in support of local Charities or Churches.

This performance was for St Christopher's Hospice at the Horniman Museum. I rather like the way the photographer framed centering us under the arch of the window

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone would think that you were the Drummer tucked away at the back.
A lovely set of photographs of you.
I suppose you think these posts catch up with your promissed posts