Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Monday, 23 January 2017

Looking back

My Garden on 2nd February 2009
It is still blooming cold here, sufficiently cold to make work very difficult if possible at all.   But it could be, and has been a lot worse!

I should admit that part of the problem is a lack of enthusiasm, or maybe just inertia on my part, but looking back over the years that's nothing new around January either.   In January last year David Bowie had just died, and I was worrying about money, being cold, work, and getting a new smart phone. Pretty much the same things that concern me this month, although my financial situation is slowly improving.

Two years ago things were a little different, I was still living in the family house even though I was on my own.   I am sure that I was concerned about work and money, but my post on the 23rd January 2015 was much more concerned about coming out, telling people who thought they knew me about myself, and how although in my mid 50s I was making some major changes.   But at that point I had only just decided to be me full time, but still had to present as male on occasion.

Going back a further year and I was still trying to work out who, and indeed what I was. I was living a life with "one foot in each camp" my wife and daughter had left to live with her mother, our relationship had detreated and at that point I could not see how it would improve. All in all sometimes it is good to look back to where we were so it is easier to see where we are going.

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