Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Advent Calendar 1

Well because of the day I had yesterday I am in a reflective mood. Rather than wait for the new year I am going to use my advent calendar to look back over the year. I will try to stick to a couple of events from each month, and through the process maybe see how I have developed over the year.

January 1st 2015 was the day I went full time, up until then I was an occasional visitor to femininity. My visits had got more and more frequent, and when I went back to the male it felt wrong, I was uncomfortable and sad, it was a bit like a mini bereavement each time.   I had found that my reluctance to present male was getting in the way of work and all sorts of other activities. So this wasn't just a convenient memorable date, it was a long overdue move on.

Looking back on my January posts there was a lot about Music, a bit of Gardening, loads of introspection, and lot about clothes! Looking at the photos I see that I am now wearing a lot of the same clothes I was last winter. Maybe now the novelty has worn off a bit I am getting my clothes buying habit in check a bit, and concentrating on more important matters.

This photo is from 23rd January this year, on my way to a meeting of my Chartered Institute, I can't help noticing that this is almost the identical outfit to what I wore today to the GIC.

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