Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Saturday 28 June 2014

The ups and downs of Work

Sometimes there are big disadvantages to a my job for a girl like me, the one that first comes to mind is the wear and tear on my nails.   It is really hard trying to preserve a decent manicure while weeding a patio, or indeed anything else.   Then of course there is the heavy lifting, this helps to build up muscle bulk in pretty much the same way as an hour or two a day pumping iron at the gym, I know, I've done that as well.

Many men I know would love to have musculature like mine, but not many girls.

On the other hand there are some positive benefits, over the last few weeks I have been developing a tan that would otherwise require either an expensive holiday or a lot of time on a tanning bed.   I have been wearing shorts quite a lot so my legs are a half decent colour, but I have been wearing tee shirts or vest a lot more so my arms and shoulders are positively brown.

On Sunday for our Gala Concert I will be wearing a backless dress (if I can sort out the minor problems with my boobs) and so a couple of time this week I have even been able to take off my shirt and enjoy the sun on my back.

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