Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Saturday, 1 March 2014


I found myself unexpectedly free yesterday afternoon, the job I had been planing to do had been put off, so I thought I would call one of my older customers to see if she was free for a visit this afternoon.   She has a wonderful collection of roses that are both the envy and delight of her neighbours, and I think they will be in need of a proper prune by now.  

I rang to see if I could go over and make a start and was surprised when the phone was answered by a man I didn't recognise, he turned out to be her step son, he told me that my customer had died last week and that the funeral had been that morning.    I was so disappointed, this lady was so full of love and life even at 94 and despite having lost all sight she could still praise God and look on the bright side.   She had an indomitable spirit, was fearsomely independent, and retained her faith right to the end and through all her illnesses.

I will miss her and am sorry that I missed her funeral.

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