Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Friday, 22 November 2013


"I wear a miniskirt - so what?"

"A Colombian nightclub owner has suggested a woman allegedly raped outside his club may have invited the attack by wearing a miniskirt.
Andres Jaramillo has since apologised for his remarks, but not before women's rights groups took to social media to vent their fury.
They asked supporters to post pictures of themselves in miniskirts under the umbrella hashtag "#Yomepongounaminifaldayque" - "I wear a miniskirt - so what?" 
From the BBC web site
This is a serious protest against unacceptable views, it seems unfair that this is not bigger news.   Nobody should be subject to crime - of whatever type - just because of how they choose to dress.   I had t work at my admin the other day because of teh weather so I decided to show my support while I worked.

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