Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Saturday, 9 March 2013

A full agenda

This weekend will be a full one, today we have a couple of Rugby Matches that I have to watch, I hope for an entertaining open game between England and Italy (although I may well be disappointed),  Ireland against France is duty bound to be a good game, whatever the result; the match of the weekend, though, will be Scoland against Wales, this will be a hard fought closely contested game, I expect Wales to win, but then I aways expect Scotland t lose and have been wrong twice so far this tournament.    If England and Wales both win (as expected) then that sets it up for a very bg match between them next weekend, there are some good things about winter!   Then tonight my daughter is out at a gig, I know very little about what is happening but she will be with a friend and thier parents, I will be picking her up afterwards.

I also hope to go to the Croydon Trans Group meeting tonight.   I haven't been for a few months and would like to go.  I asked my wife yesterday and she said OK, it's just that now I know my daughter is out I'm not so sure about leaving my wife on her own, and I don't want to be distracted from collecting my daughter.   Still it would be nice to get out and glam up just a little bit......

 A final word on shoes (?)

Tomorow is Mothers Day I know my daughter has bought a card, so well done her, I managed to get a card but haven't posted it yet so it won't arrive at Mum's untill Monday still that's better than some years.    My Mother in Law lives a lot closer so we will take lunch over to her tommorow, cook it at home first and then drive over and finnish it off.   After a recent knee pperation she is still not fully mobile so this is the best arrangement we can make.

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