Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Poor Old Fella

A few years ago I visited the optician and was told that my long sight had not got much worse ~ I have been wearing glasses since I was about 8 years old, and over the last 30 years there hasn't been much change ~ but that my near sight was beginning to deteriorate.   I must have looked a little crestfallen as by way of help and explanation I was told "never mind, it's age related" as if that was going to help!

Then last year I was told that not only do I now need varifocals but that I was also starting a cataract ~ again I was told not to worry and that it was "age related". I am due for another eye test over the next month or so, I dread what I may be told this time.

1 comment:

Joni Roberta said...

It's good to keep following that. My eyes are pretty stable, but I have to switch back and forth between bifocals for general use and special reading glasses for computer work.

My wife has more eye problems due to diabetes, so we make a lot of visits.