It has been so cold all week that I have got no gardening done at all, and have already cancelled tomorow's work; this should mean that I am now bang up to date with all my paperwork, but alas it is simply not so. I am finding at very hard to sit down and concentrate on what I should be doing, there are always far too many distractions, what with the Internet, day time television, the radio and practise to do it is hard to get down to a spread sheet or sort out my tax. I can't put it off much longer so I fully intend to concentrate tomorrow and have it done by the end of the weekend.

I did manage most ~ if not all of the work I wanted to do today, but I didn't do much else that I wanted to get done. I have a couple of arrangements I'm doing for the Brass Band that have to be finished for Monday and I have barely started, so it looks as though I will be spending much of tomorrow and Saturday slaving over a hot stave. We have a concert coming up at the end of the month and I had hoped to have an arrangement of Skyfall ready, but that doesn't look likely now, at least not with sufficient time to rehearse it. At least I have been able to upload my copy of Sibelius onto the old laptop, as it looks as though I won't get the Acer back until early next month. I can't see why it would take so long, but then maybe that's why they only charge £50!
I am finding it increeasingly frustrating not having all my files to hand, it is not just the photos and the scores but all my invoices, leterheads old e-mails and spreadsheets, there are a lot of monthly jobs where I tend to just save the previous month's spreadsheet with a new name and then overwrite it, I can't do that if I don't have the previous month so I am having to start from scratch. I just have to hope that the files are retreavable.
It's not just cold here it's snowing heavily! Everyone is at home snowed in. I managed to get to Tesco's and it was busier than Christmas Eve. Scary. I'm just glad I have my Wrangler jeep.
By mid afternoon we had a good covering of snow, enough that my daughter was sent home as school closed early, and to start to gum up the traffic "WAA it's snowing we're all going to starve we must go to teh supermarket and buy lots of food!"
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