Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Friday, 21 December 2012

Bang Bang

Right now there does seem to be just one subject that is dominating the news, and the blogersphere, regardless of the transition from Plebgate to Plodgate, the NUM refusing to pay for Arthur Scargill's flat in the Barbican and the withdrawal of UK troops from Afghanistan, it is gun control in the USA that dominates.   Reading a few blogs I am struck by just how alien the arguments seem to my British sensitivities.   In most other European countries much of their Police Service will be routinely armed, but here in the UK we are used to the idea that guns are only for exceptional circumstances, even for the Police.   The very idea of owning a gun is highly alien to the majority of the population, any gun needs to be licensed, and the vast majority are shot guns held in rural areas for pest control followed by single shot hunting rifles for those few who follow the sport.

As something of an outside observer I cannot understand how the majority of Americans can sit by and tolerate the sort of incident that happened in that Connecticut high school and not seek to bring gun ownership under some sort of control.   Yet I hear that today the HRA think that they will make schools safer places by bringing more guns into them!   I simply can't understand how the USA can change, they are so used to having guns around, and there are so many in circulation that I can't see how any useful legislation could be enforced.

In short I am reminded of the old rural gentleman who when asked for directions to somewhere simply replied "I wouldn't have started from here"   Well given that we are all still here and the world did not end this morning then it does look as if the US Government is going to have to some how deal with the situation.


Angela Morgan said...

Following the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania in 1996, which occurred only a month after the Dunblane Massacre in Scotland, Australia implemented a gun buy back scheme and introduced tougher gun controls.
I believe this has made Australia a safer place. However to achieve a world where we all can live in peace we need to change the culture of violence, selfishness and disrespect. I believe that by following the teachings of Jesus ( including - love thy neighbour,turn the other cheek and the golden rule) the world would be a better place.

Arianwen said...

I have lived on both sides of the Atlantic, and the gun issue vexes me to no end, as well. This issue, like a few others, is one which as a very well-financed minority who hold sway with politicians at all levels to ensure that no laws get enacted to put restrictions on guns (in this case, it is primarily the National Rifle Association). While common sense would dictate that the US should follow the example of Australia, as Angela mentions above, there is a small core group who are afraid that the government (either a rogue US government or a "secret" UN takeover of the world) and their deep-seated paranoia is exploited so that the US lawmakers follow the path of least resistance -- status quo.

Mabell Lein said...

I really wish it was that easy. Present day society has not been a moral leader to emulate. Greed is good, its cut throat every step of the way. What we used to think we now do, so sad because it probably will only get worse. Like unpopping a ballon, guns are here to stay. Where do we go from here, I wish I knew. The governments involvement in all of this remains to be seen, but I suspect...................