Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Friday 30 December 2011


For many the point of Christmas seems to be the giving and receiving of gifts,   I would say that this is more an illustration of the pint of Christmas, however I would be disappointed not to be given any presents.
As usual click to enlarge
On this occasion I can say that I did a lot better than these two.   Nothing spectacular but I did get presents from my Wife and Daughter, who both managed to get me presents I really wanted, this makes me happy.   In case my last couple of posts seemed a bit down beat I just wanted to say that Paula is a happy bunny (now there's an idea for a costume)  

I actually wrote most of this post before the one I put up yesterday, and I spent some time musing on bunny costumes, when I remembered the picture of Stana of Femulate fame in her home made Bunny Costume from Halloween 2004.   I can't think of an occasion I would have to wear anything like that, or that I would have the nerve to wear it if I had the chance, but I do have to say that Stana looks very fine.   If you do not read Femulate can I suggest that you get over there and start.

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