Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Thursday 20 January 2022

Well that went well!

A Tuba

The other day I was walking round to my car, when I heard some nice bass playing coming from one of the houses, I stopped, I listened, I thought. Sounds like a tuba to me! so what are the chances of two proficient tuba players living on the same block? I plucked up my courage and knocked at the door, I young man answered, looked at me quizzically as I tried to explain that I'm not mad, but had heard someone practising. Turns out it wasn't a tuba at all, but an electric bass ~ since I play both you'd think I could tell the difference.

An Electric Bass

A couple of times I have been congratulated on my imitation of an electric on tuba, but never the other way round! My excuse is that somehow the sound felt "organic" rather than electronic, either way he was pretty good.

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