Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Saturday, 25 October 2014

All a Bit of a Pain

I'd hate to think that it had anything to do with the previous night, but on Monday morning I woke up with a bit of a stiff back.   Rather uncomfortable but not too debilitating, I wasn't too worried as I already had an appointment with my osteopath on Tuesday evening.   Tuesday morning came round, as it has a habit of doing, and my back felt worse, despite my pummelling by the osteopath on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was still suffering.   I have managed to work each day, but suspect that I may not have been helping the situation.

So today I checked the forecast and saw that rain was expected all day, so I put on a sweater dress and made my way over to Wallington to be tortured by electrolysis and decided to spend the rest of the day resting my back and trying to get some of my admin a little bit more up to date.   But what happens, no rain! so I end up still out cutting grass in the afternoon, which of course does absolutely nothing to help my back.

What I need is a nice restful weekend, what I'm going to get is a gig in deepest darkest Surrey followed by a drive from London to Cardiff.

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