Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Wednesday 31 October 2012

In Paul's footsteps

Post Prepared on Wednesday the 10th October and saved for publication while I am on Holiday

Saint Paul's Bay, Malta
On Wednesday mornings I attend a small group that meets at my Church to read a short passage from the Bible and pray out of what we have read.   We very often read a Psalm (Father X the cross dressing Vicar in "Psalm Like It Hot"), this morning we read a bit from Acts, the bit where Paul in shipwrecked in Malta.   I'm afraid that my main thoughts were not particularly holy, I was just thinking I hope my journey there is a bit less traumatic.

I have, again, been thinking a bit recently about how I reconcile my cross-dressing and my faith, well I suppose the first thing is that this is how I am, how God made me and I should celebrate His creation.   Again like Paul maybe I would prefer to have been made differently but this is who and what I am.   Further I believe that we should seek to glorify God in everything we do, so I should be seeking to Glorify my God even in my cross-dressing. Mmm tricky that one, but not impossible.

Just as I am a Musician, a Parent a Spouse and a Cross-dresser, so I am a Christian.   I cannot accept that any of these are mutually exclusive and I will continue to do and be each of them the best I can, and to glorify God in all of them.

J S Bach said that the sole purpose of music is to glorify the name of God.

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