Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Thursday 3 May 2012

Just another day

Well, yesterday was one of those days where nothing really happened, but I see to have been busy all day.   It was nice this morning to get back t some proper gardening.   One of my long standing customers who come under the general heading of "little old ladies".   I hasten to add that I do not treat them  the same as Zero Mostel in "The Producers" treats his little old ladies.   Then a look at a new job and then another of my ladies.   I also had a little excitement as I collected a new hedge trimmer I bought on e-bay - ahhh the exciting life I lead.
This evening we had a band rehearsal, and chatting with friends in the pub afterwards Sue was very keen to show me the results she got with the nail polish I gave her, it is just a shame that there were too many people there for me to reciprocate and show her the nice subtle "metallic" pink on my toes nails.   It did strike me as we were talking that here I was in the idst of my "normal" friends, apparently in drab but in fact every single ite I was wearing was fem. from my Hush Puppies to my denim jacket.   As I say I was osstensibly in Drab, but I felt and, I think, looked fabulous.

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