It struck me how much longer than my wife it took me to get ready for work, she takes about a third of that time, and then I thought about what she wears for work, normally just trousers and a top, along with the essential undies. No jewelry other than (maybe) ear rings and watch, no make up, ordinary shoes and socks, in fact pretty much what a lot of blokes would wear. (When I regularly worked in offices I always wore a suit and tie so actually took longer to get dressed than my wife). I should point out that although my wife is not particularly "girly" she is definitely feminine. This led me to the thought is what I am struggling to obtain femininity or elegance?
When I have the chance do I glam up to show how feminine I am or to be as elegant as possible? It is nice to go out in (fem) jeans and a top but that is in comparison to going out in men's jeans and tee shirt, it is more fun to go out wearing a dress. Now is this because it is more feminine, or more elegant? or maybe it is just that like many of you I so rarely get the chance to wear something pretty that when I do have the chance I grab it.
Well the photo shows me today wearing my new dress, looking quite festive and feeling quite elegant..
I think we CDers "overdress" (if you understand what I mean) because we need to do more to really achieve the feminine appearance. Quite frankly, for most of us, in just a little makeup, earrings, top and jeans, we would look like guys in a little makeup, earrings, top and jeans. We need the whole picture to pull off the illusion.