
Thursday, 12 January 2012


I got a text message from my wife today saying that she had "bagged up my STUFF it has to go!!!!!" there was more to the same effect.  This is not good (I will leave the exclamation marks to my wife).

As I have said before there are times when family comes first, this has to be one of them.   However I know that what my wife realy wants is a total end to all my cross dressing activities, I am now pretty certain that I can't do that, if I could of I would have stopped years ago.   I need to understand the situation better, and do what I can to reassure my wife, without making promises I can't keep.   I am not sure how this will pan out, at best I will have to curtail Paula's activities and give up any underdressing, not sure yet whether this will impact on this blog or not, I hope that I will be able to continue writing even if I have to limit what else I do.   As they say watch this space for the next exciting episode.


  1. Paula:

    I don't know what the situation is like for things like this in the UK, but when I had a similar problem with my wife a few years back, I moved all of Dani's things to a rented storage locker near my home. I now keep only what I am going to use in the immediate future (say, a week or two ahead) at home--in a place I know my wife will never go--and the rest in the locker. I periodically go to the locker to switch things out.


  2. Paula,

    I do hope this all turns out good for you. It's hard enough when we have a "purge" moment and get rid of that favourite dress, skirt, or pair of heels. To have someone else do it for us is even harder.

    With me, family has to come first too. And the unfortunately, ONLY way I can continue to crossdress is to do it in private... :(

    Take care,

  3. I wish you both a happy compromise, unless it turns out she wants you to bag up all of your guy stuff, in which case I hope she gets her way! :D

    Funny: today's "codeword" I have to type in is "cishe" so we get both "cis" and "she" in there. It's a good sign.


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