
Saturday, 5 November 2011

Things I say

There have been a few times when I have had to talk about my cross dressing - or not.   Now I have a problem, I find it very difficult to resist the temptation to try to be funny.   Some of the exchanges I have had

"Is that your own hair?"
"Well I paid for it so I reckon it is"

"Are you a cross dresser?"
"No, I'm quire happy about it"   Always worried about why this question was asked when it was....

"Are those women's shoes?"
"No they're mine"
You get the idea, my first reaction is to make a joke of the situation.   Most of the time it's simply not a problem, but sometimes.......................................................... I think it is time that when asked these questions I start to give honest answers, and admit that I like to wear clothes original designed for women.   I think that more people would be accepting than we expect.   It's just such a shame that sometimes it is those nearsest to us who simply cannot acept.

1 comment:

  1. I always plan to say "no they're mine" but no-one's ever asked if that's a women's shirt/jeans/socks/shoes/brain.


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